Chryse Planitia

Chryse Planitia
/kruy"see pleuh nish"euh/, Astron.
a plain on Mars, the landing site of the Viking I spacecraft.

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 flat lowland region in the northern hemisphere of the planet Mars that was chosen for the landing sites of the U.S. Viking 1 and Mars Pathfinder planetary probes. The Viking 1 lander, which touched down at 22.48° N, 47.97° W, on July 20, 1976, revealed that Chryse Planitia is a rolling, boulder-strewn plain with scattered dusty dunes and outcrops of bedrock. Mars Pathfinder confronted a similar scene when it landed at 19.33° N, 33.22° W, on July 4, 1997.

 The surface rocks of Chryse Planitia are believed to be eroded remnants of basaltic (basalt) lavas carried to the site by large floods during Mars's early history. Analysis of the dusty soil by Viking and Pathfinder lander instruments showed the principal constituent materials (in oxide forms by weight) to be silicon (SiO2; 46 percent), iron (Fe2O3; 18 percent), aluminum (Al2O3; 8 percent), magnesium (MgO; 7 percent), calcium (CaO; 6 percent), sulfur (SO3; 5.4 percent), sodium (Na2O; 2 percent), and potassium (K2O; 0.3 percent). This composition is consistent with igneous rocks formed from magmas that interacted with subsurface ice. The rocks were later affected by weathering and leaching processes that stained their surfaces with reddish iron oxide minerals and concentrated certain sulfates (and possibly carbonates) in the surface soil.

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