chromosome number

chromosome number
the characteristic number of chromosomes contained in the cell nucleus of a given species.

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      precise number of chromosomes typical for a given species. In any given asexually reproducing species, the chromosome number is always the same. In sexually reproducing organisms, the number of chromosomes in the body (somatic) cells is diploid (2n; a pair of each chromosome), twice the haploid (1n) number found in the sex cells, or gametes. The haploid number is produced during meiosis (q.v.). An organism with any multiple of the diploid number of chromosomes is said to be polyploid. Although it is a normal evolutionary strategy among many plant groups, polyploidy is frequently linked to abnormalities in animals. Any change from the typical chromosome number for a species may be accompanied by changes—sometimes drastic—in the organism. The number of chromosomes does not correlate with the apparent complexity of an animal or plant: in human beings, for example, the diploid number is 2n = 46 (that is, 23 pairs), compared with 2n = 78, or 39 pairs, in the dog and 2n = 36 (18) in the common earthworm. There is an equally great range of numbers among plants.

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Universalium. 2010.

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