
/krohm/, n., v., chromed, chroming.
1. chromium.
2. chromium-plated or other bright metallic trim, as on an automobile.
3. (of dyeing) the dichromate of potassium or sodium.
4. Photog. a positive color transparency; kodachrome.
5. (of dyeing) to subject to a bath of dichromate of potassium or sodium.
6. to plate (metal) with a compound of chromium.
7. to treat or tan (a hide or leather) with a chromium compound.
[1790-1800; < F < Gk chrôma color; (in defs. 1, 2, 6, 7) shortened form of CHROMIUM]

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Internet browser
      an open-source (open source) Internet browser released by Google, Inc. (Google Inc.), a major American search engine company, in 2008.

      The first beta version of the software was released on Sept. 2, 2008, for personal computers (personal computer) running various versions of Microsoft Corporation's Windows OS ( operating system). The development of Chrome was kept a well-guarded secret until a Web-basedcomic bookdescribing the browser was released just hours before links appeared on Google's Web site to download the program. In its public statements the company declared that it did not expect to supplant the major browsers, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Firefox (the latter an open-source browser that Google supports with technical and monetary help). Instead, Google stated that its goal was to advance the usefulness of the Internet by including features that would work better with newer Web-based technologies, such as the company's Google Apps (e.g., calendar, word processor, spreadsheet), that operate within a browser. This concept is often calledcloud computing,” as the user relies on programs operatingout there,” somewherein the cloud” (on the Internet).

      Part of Chrome's speed improvement over existing browsers is its use of a new JavaScript engine (V8). Chrome uses code from Apple Inc.'s WebKit, the open-source rendering engine used in Apple's Safari Web browser. Chrome is the first browser to feature isolated, or protected, windows (or tabs) for each Web page or application running in it. While this means that each new tab that is opened requires as much dedicated computer memory as the first tab, it also means that if any computer code causes one of these tabs to crash, it will not bring down the entire browser. Closing a tab fully releases its allocated memory, thus solving a persistent problem of older browsers, which frequently have to be restarted in order to release the increasing amounts of memory that are requisitioned over time.

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Universalium. 2010.

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