- cholecalciferol
/koh'leuh kal sif"euh rawl', -rol', kol'euh-/, n.[1930-35; CHOLE- + CALCI- + -FER + -OL1]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Cholecalciferol — Cholecalciferol … Wikipedia
Cholecalciferol — Cholécalciférol Cholécalciférol Structure chimique du cholécalciférol Général Synonymes vitamine D3 … Wikipédia en Français
Cholécalciférol — Structure chimique du cholécalciférol Général Nom IUPAC (3Z) 3 [(2E) 2 (1 (6 méthylheptan 2 yl) 7a méth … Wikipédia en Français
cholécalciférol — ● cholécalciférol nom masculin Vitamine D présente dans l alimentation mais surtout synthétisée dans la peau à partir du cholestérol sous l action du soleil. (Sa carence provoque le rachitisme chez l enfant et l ostéomalacie chez l adulte.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cholecalciferol — ⇒ Calciferol … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
cholecalciferol — ► NOUN Biochemistry ▪ a form of vitamin D (vitamin D3), produced naturally in the skin by the action of sunlight … English terms dictionary
cholecalciferol — [kä΄lə kal sif′ər ôl΄, kä΄lə kal sif′ərōl΄, kō΄ləkal sif′ər ôl′, kō΄ləkal sif′ər ōl΄] n. a white, crystalline sterol, C27H43OH, found esp. in fish liver oils or produced in the skin by irradiation with sunlight; vitamin D3: the most common form… … English World dictionary
Cholecalciferol — Strukturformel Allgemeines Trivialname Vitamin D3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
cholecalciferol — A nutrient that helps the body use calcium and phosphorus and make strong bones and teeth. It is found in fatty fish, eggs, and dairy products. The skin can also make cholecalciferol when exposed to sunshine. Not getting enough cholecalciferol… … English dictionary of cancer terms
cholecalciferol — vitamin D vitamin D n. any of several chemically related fat soluble vitamins that prevent rickets. It is found in fish liver oils, egg yolks and milk. Component vitamin D2 is also called {calciferol}, and vitamin D3 is called {cholecalciferol}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cholecalciferol — Cho|le|cal|ci|fe|rol [zu ↑ Cholesterin] ↑ Calciferol. * * * Cholecalciferol [ç ] das, s, Vitamin D3, Calciferole … Universal-Lexikon