
/chohk"cher'ee/, n., pl. chokecherries. Chiefly Northern U.S.
1. any of several cherries, esp. Prunus virginiana, of North America, that bear an astringent fruit.
2. the fruit itself.
[1775-85, Amer.; CHOKE + CHERRY]

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One of several varieties of shrub or small tree (Prunus virginiana) of the rose family, native to North America.

Though it is aptly named for the astringent, acidic taste of its reddish cherries, its fruit may be made into jelly and preserves. The stones and wilted foliage are poisonous. The trees often form dense thickets on moist soils. They are frequently attacked and defoliated by eastern tent caterpillars. Foul-scented white flowers are produced in hanging spikes, and the slender brown twigs also have an unpleasant odour and a bitter taste.

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also spelled  Choke Cherry  
 (Prunus virginiana), shrub or small tree, belonging to the rose family (Rosaceae) and native to North America. It is aptly named for the astringent, acidic taste of its reddish cherries. The fruit may, however, be made into jelly and preserves. The stones are poisonous, as is the wilted foliage, which may contain hydrocyanic acid in varying amounts.

      Chokecherry trees often form dense thickets on moist soils. They are frequently attacked and defoliated by eastern tent caterpillars. The tree grows to a height of 6 metres (20 feet), producing hanging spikes of disagreeably scented white flowers. The slender brown twigs also have an unpleasant odour and a bitter taste. The bark is brown or gray, smooth on new growth but becoming scaly with age. Several varieties are available: P. virginiana xanthocarpa, with yellow fruit; P. virginiana demissa, with fuzzy underleaf; P. virginiana melanocarpa, with black fruit.

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