
/kee'shee nu"ooh/, n.
Rumanian name of Kishinev.

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formerly (18121918, 194091) Kishinev

City (pop., 1999: 655,000), capital of Moldova.

It lies on a tributary of the Dniester River. Ruled by Moldavia in the 15th century and taken by the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century, it was ceded to Russia in 1812. From 1918 the city was controlled by Romania; it was ceded back to the Soviet Union in 1940 and became the capital of the newly formed Moldavian S.S.R. The city is a commercial centre and the site of a university.

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formerly  Kishinyov,  also spelled  Kishinev, or Kišin'ov,  

      city and capital of Moldova (Moldavia), situated along the Bâc (Byk) River. The first documentary reference to Chişinău dates from 1466, when it was under the rule of the Moldavian prince Ştefan III. After Ştefan's death the city fell under the control of the Ottoman Turks. Gradually Chişinău's trading importance increased, though the city suffered severe destruction in the Russo-Turkish War of 1788. In 1812 Chişinău was ceded to Russia with the rest of Bessarabia. It was henceforth known by its Russian name, Kishinyov. Following World War I it was included in Romania as Chişinău, but it was ceded with the rest of Bessarabia back to the Soviet Union in 1940 and became the capital of the newly formed Moldavian S.S.R. Heavy damage was inflicted on the city in World War II, but after the war Kishinyov was rebuilt. Newer parts of the city lie on terraces along the Bâc; parts of the old town, however, are still subject to flooding. With the collapse of Soviet authority in Moldavia in 1991, the Romanian-language version of the city's name once more came into official use.

      Chişinău is the major industrial centre of Moldova and is especially important for light engineering and the manufacture of measuring equipment, machine tools, tractors, pumps, refrigerators, washing machines, and insulated wiring. Wine making, flour milling, and tobacco processing are notable among the city's agriculture-related industries. There are also clothing and footwear factories. The city is the cultural centre of Moldova, with an academy of sciences, a university (1945), other institutions of higher education, and several scientific-research establishments. Pop. (1991 est.) 676,700.

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Universalium. 2010.

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