
chisellike, adj.
/chiz"euhl/, n., v., chiseled, chiseling or (esp. Brit.) chiselled, chiselling.
1. a wedgelike tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc.
2. See chisel plow.
3. (cap.) Astron. the constellation Caelum.
4. to cut, shape, or fashion by or as if by carving with a chisel.
5. to cheat or swindle (someone): He chiseled me out of fifty dollars.
6. to get (something) by cheating or trickery: He chiseled fifty dollars out of me.
7. to work with a chisel.
8. to trick; cheat.
[1325-75; ME < AF, var. of OF cisel < VL *cisellus, dim. of *cisus, for L caesus, ptp. of caedere to cut, with -i- generalized from prefixed derivatives; cf. EXCIDE]

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Cutting tool with a sharpened edge at the end of a metal blade, used (often by driving with a mallet or hammer) in dressing, shaping, or working a solid material such as wood, stone, or metal.

Flint ancestors of the chisel existed by 8000 BC; the ancient Egyptians used copper and later bronze chisels to work both wood and soft stone. Chisels today are made of steel, in various sizes and degrees of hardness, depending on use.

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      cutting tool with a sharpened edge at the end of a metal blade, usedoften by driving with a mallet or hammerin dressing, shaping, or working a solid material such as wood, stone, or metal. Flint ancestors of the present-day chisel existed as far back as 8000 BC; the Egyptians used copper and later bronze chisels to work both wood and soft stone. Chisels today are made of steel, in various sizes and degrees of hardness, depending on use.

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  • chisel — [ ʃizɛl ] n. m. • v. 1980; de l angl., empr. à l a. fr. chisel, forme de cisel « ciseau » ♦ Agric. Gros cultivateur (2o ) à dents plates et incurvées. ● chisel nom masculin Instrument de travail superficiel du sol à grand dégagement sous bâti, à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Chisel — Chis el, n. [OF. chisel, F. ciseau, fr. LL. cisellus, prob. for caesellus, fr. L. caesus, p. p. of caedere to cut. Cf. {Scissors}.] A tool with a cutting edge on one end of a metal blade, used in dressing, shaping, or working in timber, stone,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chisel — Chis el, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chiseled}, or {Chiselled} (?); p. pr. & vb. n. {Chiseling}, or {Chiselling}.] [Cf. F. ciseler.] 1. To cut, pare, gouge, or engrave with a chisel; as, to chisel a block of marble into a statue. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chisel — [chiz′əl] n. [NormFr (OFr cisel) < VL * cisellum, for L * caesellum < caesus, pp. of caedere, to cut: see CIDE] a hand tool with a sharp, often wedge shaped, blade for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc., specif., such a tool that is… …   English World dictionary

  • chisel — (n.) early 14c., from O.Fr. cisel (12c., Mod.Fr. ciseau) chisel, in pl., scissors, shears, from V.L. *cisellum cutting tool, from L. caesellum, dim. of caesus, pp. of caedere to cut (see CIDE (Cf. cide)). Related: Chiseled; chise …   Etymology dictionary

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  • chisel — [n] shaping tool adze, blade, edge, gouge, knife; concepts 495,499 chisel [v] cut, wear away carve, hew, incise, roughcast, roughhew, sculpt, sculpture, shape; concepts 137,176,184 …   New thesaurus

  • chisel — ► NOUN ▪ a long bladed hand tool with a bevelled cutting edge, used to cut or shape wood, stone, or metal. ► VERB (chiselled, chiselling; US chiseled, chiseling) 1) cut or shape with a chisel. 2) (chiselled) (of a man s f …   English terms dictionary

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