
/jin/, n.
1. Also, Tsin. any of three dynasties that ruled in China, A.D. 265-316 (the Western Chin), A.D. 317-420 (the Eastern Chin), and A.D. 936-46 (the Later Chin).
2. a dynasty that ruled in China 1115-1234.
Also, Jin.

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(as used in expressions)
T'ien chin
Chin dynasty
Chin sha River

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      group of tribes of Mongol origin, occupying the southernmost part of the mountain ranges separating Myanmar (Burma) from India. Their history from the 17th to the late 19th century was a long sequence of tribal wars and feuds. The first British expedition into the Chin Hills in 1889 was soon followed by annexation, and British administration ended raids by the Chin on the plains of Myanmar.

      Chin villages, often of several hundred houses, were traditionally self-contained units, some ruled by councils of elders, others by headmen. There were also hereditary chiefs who exercised political control over large areas and received tribute from cultivators of the soil.

      Agriculture is the basis of the Chin economy; land is cultivated in rotation, consecutive cultivation for several years being followed by reversion to forest. Rice, millet, and corn (maize) are the main crops. Domestic animals, kept mainly for meat, are not milked or used for traction. Chief among them is the mithan, a domesticated breed of the Indian wild ox.

      Prowess in hunting has religious significance for the Chin; the slayer of much game is believed to enjoy high rank in afterlife. Status in life, and presumably in afterlife, is achieved by providing feasts.

      The Chin have much in common with the Kuki, Mizo, and Lakher peoples and speak related Tibeto-Burman languages. They practice polygyny and trace their descent through the paternal line; young people are expected to marry outside the paternal clan.

      Traditional religion comprises a belief in numerous deities and spirits, which may be propitiated by offerings and sacrifices. Christian missions have made many converts. The tribes have retained their identity, however, and outside influence has remained limited.

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