- chieftain
/cheef"teuhn, -tin/, n.
1. the chief of a clan or a tribe.
2. a leader of a group, band, etc.: the robbers' chieftain.
3. (
Mil. Britain'
s main battle tank since 1969,
fitted with a 120mm gun and two machine guns and weighing 55 tons (
50 m tons).
[1275-1325; ME cheftayne, var. of chevetaine < OF < LL capitaneus CAPTAIN]
* * *
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Chieftain — (FV4201) Britische Chieftain Kampfpanzer auf der letzten alliierten Parade im Berliner Tiergarten am 18. Juni 1989 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chieftain — can refer to:* A Tribal chief. * The Chieftain tank. * The Chieftains, a traditional Irish band. * The Chieftain, an opera by Arthur Sullivan. * Jason Dunstall, an Australian Rules Footballer often reffered to as The Chieftain … Wikipedia
chieftain — (n.) early 14c., cheftayne ruler, chief, head of something, from O.Fr. chevetain captain, chief, leader, from L.L. capitaneus commander, from L. capitis, gen. of caput head (see HEAD (Cf. head)). According to Rob Roy (1818) a Highland chieftain… … Etymology dictionary
Chieftain — Chief tain, n. [OE. cheftayn, chevetayn, OF. chevetain, F. capitaine, LL. capitanus, fr. L. caput head. Cf. {Captain}, and see {chief}.] A captain, leader, or commander; a chief; the head of a troop, army, or clan. Syn: Chief; commander; leader;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chieftain — index chief, principal (director) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
chieftain — *chief, head, leader, master … New Dictionary of Synonyms
chieftain — ► NOUN ▪ the leader of a people or clan. DERIVATIVES chieftaincy noun (pl. chieftaincies) chieftainship noun. ORIGIN Old French chevetaine, from Latin capitaneus chief … English terms dictionary
chieftain — [chēf′tən] n. [ME chevetaine < OFr < LL capitaneus, chief in size: see CAPTAIN] a chief or leader, esp. of a clan or tribe chieftaincy n. pl. chieftaincies chieftainship n … English World dictionary
Chieftain — FV 4201 Chieftain Chieftain Mk 10 o Mk 11 con Paquete de Protección de Tripulación Stillbrew. Tipo Carro de combate principal País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Chieftain — Char Chieftain2 Char Chieftain dans un musée en Israël Caractéristiques générales Équipage 4 hommes : conducteur, canonier, chargeur, chef de char Longueur 7,5 m (9,99 m avec canon) … Wikipédia en Français
chieftain — n. a tribal chieftain * * * [ tʃiːftən] a tribal chieftain … Combinatory dictionary