
/chik"weed'/, n.
1. any plant of the genus Stellaria, of the pink family, as S. media, a common Old World weed whose leaves and seeds are relished by birds.
2. any of various allied plants.
[1325-75; ME chiken wede. See CHICK, WEED1]

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Either of two species of small-leaved weeds, in the pink family.

Common chickweed, or stitchwort (Stellaria media), is native to Europe but widely naturalized. It usually grows to 18 in. (45 cm) but is a low-growing and spreading annual weed in mowed lawns. Mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum), also from Europe, is a usually shorter, mat-forming, spreading perennial with many upright stems. It grows in lawns, pastures, and cultivated fields throughout temperate regions. Both species have inconspicuous but delicate white, star-shaped flowers.

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 species of small-leaved weeds of the pink, or carnation, family (Caryophyllaceae). The common chickweed, or stitchwort (Stellaria media), is native to Europe but is widely naturalized. It usually grows to 45 cm (18 inches) but becomes a low-growing and spreading annual weed in mowed lawns. It is useful as a food for canaries.

      Mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum), which is also from Europe, is a mat-forming, spreading perennial that has many upright stems, but it is usually not so tall as common chickweed. It grows in lawns, pastures, and cultivated fields throughout temperate regions. The stems and leaves are hairy and somewhat sticky.

      Both common and mouse-ear chickweed have inconspicuous but delicate white, somewhat star-shaped flowers.

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