
chevroned, adj.
/shev"reuhn/, n.
1. a badge consisting of stripes meeting at an angle, worn on the sleeve by noncommissioned officers, police officers, etc., as an indication of rank, service, or the like.
2. an ornament in this form, as on a molding.
3. Also called chevron weave. herringbone (def. 2a).
4. Heraldry. an ordinary in the form of an inverted V.
[1300-50; ME cheveroun < OF: rafter, chevron < VL *caprion- (s. of *caprio), deriv. of L caper goat]

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      decorative motif consisting of two slanting lines forming an inverted V. From very early times, it has been a common motif in pottery and textiles. A bent bar in heraldry, it is also one of the most common distinguishing marks for military and naval uniforms: placed on the sleeves, it serves as a mark of rank or longevity of service.

      In architecture the name chevron is sometimes applied to the angle formed by the juncture of the rafters of a roof, but it is more often used for purely decorative motifs. A zigzag pattern formed of joined chevrons, used to decorate arch moldings and column shafts, was one of the most common Romanesque geometric ornaments, especially notable in areas under Norman influence.

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