
/sheuh val"yay, -vahl"-/; Fr. /sheuh vann lyay"/, n.
Maurice (Auguste) /maw rees" aw"geuhst/; Fr. /moh rddees" oh gyuust"/, 1888-1972, French actor and singer.

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French title
      (French:horseman”), a French title originally equivalent to the English knight. Later the title chevalier came to be used in a variety of senses not always denoting membership in any order of chivalry; it was frequently used by men of noble birth or noble pretensions who could not claim any of the standard territorial titles. An ordinance of 1629 tried to forbid its being assumed except by virtue of royal letters patent oreminence of personal quality” (éminence de qualité personnelle). A younger son of a great family, however, who could not claim a title by other means might be admitted to the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta) and thereby assume the title of chevalier. Chevaliers of the French royal orders usually had some territorial title by which they remained designated; but it was questionable whether the nobility attached to the title was hereditary. Napoleon (Napoleon I) outlined conditions for the assumption of the title by members of the Legion of Honour and reserved the right to himself of appointing chevaliers of the empire. See also knight. (knight)

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  • chevalier — chevalier, ière [ ʃ(ə)valje, jɛr ] n. • chevaler 1080; lat. caballarius, d apr. cheval I ♦ 1 ♦ N. m. Seigneur féodal possédant un fief suffisamment important pour assurer l armement à cheval. Noble admis dans l ordre de la chevalerie. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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