chestnut oak

chestnut oak
any of several North American oaks, as Quercus prinus, having serrate or dentate leaves resembling those of the chestnut.
[1695-1705, Amer.]

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      any of several species of North American timber trees, with chestnutlike leaves, belonging to the white oak group of the genus Quercus in the beech family (Fagaceae). Specifically, chestnut oak refers to Q. prinus (or Q. montana), also called rock chestnut oak, a tree found on rocky soils of the eastern United States and southern Canada. It is usually about 21 m (70 feet) tall but may grow to 30 m. It has blackish, tannin-rich bark, with deep longitudinal ridges; the chestnutlike, lance-shaped leaves, about 18 cm (7 inches) long, have 10 to 15 pairs of parallel veins, each ending at a rounded tooth. Yellow-green above, paler and fuzzy beneath, the leaves turn orange-red or rust brown in autumn.

      The swamp chestnut oak (Q. michauxii), sometimes considered a variety of Q. prinus, is a valuable bottomland timber tree of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains and Mississippi Valley region. The tree is usually 24 to 36 m tall, with branches rising at narrow angles from a columnar trunk to a round, compact head. It has silver-white, red-tinged bark and bright green, glossy leaves, velvety and whitish beneath, usually 20 cm long, and turning red in autumn. Swamp chestnut oak is often called either cow oak, because the acorns are eaten by cattle, or basket oak, from local use of wood strips for basket material.

      Q. muehlenbergii, sometimes referred to as yellow chestnut oak, is also called chinquapin oak. The dwarf chestnut oak, or dwarf chinquapin oak, is Q. prinoides.

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