
/chelms"feuhrd, chelmz"-/, n.
a city in NE Massachusetts. 31,174.

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Town and borough (pop., 2001: 157,053), county seat of Essex, southeastern England.

It lies on the northeastern periphery of Greater London. There are remains of the Roman settlement of Caesaromagus. In 1227 Chelmsford became the regular seat of the county judicial gatherings known as assizes. The world's first wireless telegraph service was transmitted in 1920 from the local premises of Guglielmo Marconi's company. Light engineering, especially electronics, is important to the economy.

Cathedral of Saint Mary, Chelmsford, England.

The J. Allan Cash Photolibrary

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 town and borough (district), administrative and historic county of Essex, England. It lies in the valley of the River Chelmer northeast of Greater London in south-central Essex.

      Remains of the Roman settlement of Caesaromagus have been discovered in the locality. In 1227 Chelmsford town became the regular seat of the county judicial gatherings known as assizes and quarter sessions. It remains the county town (seat) of Essex. The ecclesiastical diocese of Chelmsford, established in 1914, coincides with the county of Essex, and in 1951 the 15th-century parish church of St. Mary was designated as the diocese's cathedral. Chelmsford town has a county museum, an agricultural market, and a grain exchange. Light engineering, especially electronics, and administration provide the main employment, but some agriculturally based industries survive. From the local premises of Marconi's wireless telegraph company, the first wireless telegraph broadcasting service in the world was transmitted on Feb. 23, 1920.

      The borough of Chelmsford encompasses the surrounding countryside within about 10 miles (16 km) of the town. Area borough, 132 square miles (342 square km). Pop. (2001) town, 99,962; borough, 157,053.

      town (township), Middlesex county, northeastern Massachusetts, U.S. It lies 24 miles (39 km) north of Boston; the city of Lowell is adjacent to the northeast. Settled in 1633, it was named for Chelmsford, England, and incorporated in 1655. An iron foundry using local bog ore was built there in 1656. During the early 19th century, the production of lumber, textiles, and granite was important. Services, trade, and the production of electronics, computer equipment, and other light manufactures are now central to the economy.

      In 1657 John Fiske (Fiske, John), an early pastor of the Chelmsford Unitarian Church, compiled the Chelmsford Catechism, the only extant copy of which is in the New York Public Library. Joseph Spalding of Chelmsford is said to have fired the first shot in the Battle of Bunker Hill (Bunker Hill, Battle of) (1775). Warren H. Manning State Forest is nearby. Area 23 square miles (60 square km). Pop. (1990) 32,383; (2000) 33,858.

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  • Chelmsford — (spr. Tschemsford), Marktflecken am Chelmer u. Cann, in der englischen Grafschaft Essex; Ökonomische Gesellschaft, Gefängniß, Assisen u. Theater, Militärbaracken, Vichmärkte; 6700 Ew …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Chelmsford — Chelmsford, Lord, s. Thesiger …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Chelmsford [1] — Chelmsford (spr. tschémmsförd), Hauptstadt (municipal borough) der engl. Grafschaft Essex, am schiffbaren Chelmer, mit Grafschaftshalle, gotischer Kirche (teilweise 15. Jahrh.), Museum und Lateinschule, lebhaftem Handel mit Vieh und Korn,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Chelmsford [2] — Chelmsford (spr. tschémmsförd), 1) Frederick Thesiger, Lord, brit. Staatsmann, geb. 15. Juli 1794, gest. 5. Okt. 1878, diente in der Marine, wandte sich dann dem Studium der Rechte zu, ward im Februar 1844 Mitglied des Unterhauses und unter Peel… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Chelmsford — (spr. tschémmsförrd), Hauptstadt der engl. Grafsch. Essex, (1901) 12.580 E …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Chelmsford [2] — Chelmsford (spr. tschémmsförrd), Frederick Augustus, brit. General, geb. 31. Mai 1827, 1878 Oberbefehlshaber der engl. Truppen in Südafrika, 22. Jan. 1879 von den Zulus bei Isandula geschlagen, siegte 4. Juli bei Ulundi, 1882 Generalleutnant,… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Chelmsford — For other uses, see Chelmsford (disambiguation). Coordinates: 51°44′10″N 0°28′47″E / 51.7361°N 0.4798°E / 51.7361; 0.4798 …   Wikipedia

  • Chelmsford — Para otros usos de este término, véase Chelmsford (desambiguación). Chelmsford Localidad del Reino Unido …   Wikipedia Español

  • Chelmsford — 51.7344444444440.47277777777776 Koordinaten: 51° 44′ N, 0° 28′ O …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chelmsford — I Chelmsford   [ tʃelmzfəd], Hauptstadt der County Essex, Südostengland, 97 500 Einwohner; anglikanischer Bischofssitz; Maschinenbau, elektrotechnische, Mühlenindustrie.   Geschichte:   Chelmsford entstand an der Stelle der kleinen römischen… …   Universal-Lexikon

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