Charlotte Amalie

Charlotte Amalie
/shahr"leuht euh mah"lee euh/
a seaport in and the capital of the Virgin Islands, on St. Thomas. 12,372. Formerly, St. Thomas.

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City (pop., 2000: 11,004), capital of the island of Saint Thomas and of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Lying on St. Thomas Harbor, it was established as a Danish colony in 1672 and named for the Danish queen (its name was St. Thomas during 1921–36). The largest city in the Virgin Islands, it is built on three low volcanic spurs. Two castles, attributed to the pirates Blackbeard and Bluebeard, overlook the harbour. Tourism is economically important.

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▪ United States Virgin Islands
 capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands) and of St. Thomas Island (Saint Thomas), at the head of St. Thomas Harbour, on the island's southern shore. The largest city in the Virgin Islands, it is built on three low volcanic spurs called Frenchman Hill (Foretop Hill), Berg Hill (Maintop), and Government Hill (Mizzentop). There are several examples of Danish colonial architecture. Two castles, attributed to the 18th-century pirates Blackbeard (Edward Teach (Blackbeard)) and the half-legendary Bluebeard, overlook the harbour. Established as a Danish colony in 1672, it was called Charlotte Amalie, or Amalienborg, for the Danish queen. The name was changed to St. Thomas in 1921, but its former name was restored in 1936.

      The harbour, protected by Hassel Island, has docking and fueling facilities, machine shops, and shipyards and is also a U.S. submarine base. The economy is based on tourism, handicrafts, and the production of rum, bay rum, and jams. The population is predominantly black, but there is a considerable minority group of French Huguenot origin who have lived there for many generations. Pop. (1990) 12,331.

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Universalium. 2010.

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