
/chahrd/, n.
a variety of beet, Beta vulgaris cicla, having leaves and leafstalks that are used as a vegetable. Also called Swiss chard, leaf beet.
[1650-60; appar. < F chardon thistle; see CARDOON]

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Edible-leaf beet (Beta vulgaris, variety cicla), a variety of beet in which the tender leaves and leafstalks have become greatly developed.

They are a good source of vitamins A, B, and C. Chard is popular as a home-garden pot herb because it is easy to grow, productive, and tolerant of moderate heat. Highly perishable, it is difficult to ship to distant markets.

Chard (Beta vulgaris variety cicla).

W.H. Hodge

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also called  Swiss chard 
 (species Beta vulgaris variety cicla), an edible leaf beet, a variety of the beet of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), in which the leaves and leafstalks, instead of the roots, have become greatly developed. The plant has somewhat branched and thickened, but not fleshy, roots and large leaves borne on stalks. It is grown for the tender leaves and leafstalks; the former are boiled and served like spinach, the latter like asparagus. Swiss chard is popular as a home-garden potherb because of its ease of culture, productiveness, and tolerance to moderately hot weather.

      Fresh chard should be crisp, with bright-green leaves. Because it is highly perishable, it is difficult to ship to distant markets. Both leaves and stalks are a good source of vitamins A, B, and C.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Chard — (ch[aum]rd), n. [Cf. F. carde esculent thistle.] 1. The tender leaves or leafstalks of the artichoke, white beet, etc., blanched for table use. [1913 Webster] 2. A variety of the white beet, which produces large, succulent leaves and leafstalks.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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