Chaleur Bay

Chaleur Bay
/sheuh loor", -lerr"/
an inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence between NE New Brunswick and SE Quebec, in SE Canada: rich fishing ground. ab. 85 mi. (135 km) long; 15-25 mi. (24-40 km) wide.

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Inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, southeastern Canada.

It extends about 85 mi (137 km) between northern New Brunswick and the Gaspé Peninsula. It receives many rivers, including the Restigouche. The bay is famous as a fishing ground, especially for salmon. It was navigated and named с 1535 by Jacques Cartier.

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bay, Canada
French  Baie des Chaleurs  

      inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Saint Lawrence, Gulf of), extending between Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula and northern New Brunswick, Canada, and called by the Indians thesea of fish.” It is a submerged valley of the Restigouche River and is 90 miles (145 km) long and 15 to 25 miles (24 to 40 km) wide. The bay receives many rivers besides the Restigouche, including the Nepisiguit, Cascapédia, and Matapédia. The islands of Miscou and Shippegan are located near its mouth. Major settlements along the bay shore are Campbellton, Dalhousie, and Bathurst (in New Brunswick) and New Richmond and New Carlisle (in Quebec). The bay is noted for its mackerel fishing, and salmon and trout are caught in nearby streams. The bay is now the site of one of the first exposed offshore aquaculture farms, devoted to the growing of blue mussels on submerged longlines.

      Jacques Cartier (Cartier, Jacques), the French explorer, navigated the bay in July 1534 and named it Chaleur (meaningheat”) because of the high temperatures he experienced there.

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  • Chaleur Bay — Cha•leur′ Bay′ [[t]ʃəˈlʊər, ˈlɜr[/t]] n. geg an inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence between NE New Brunswick and SE Quebec, in SE Canada. ab. 85 mi. (135 km) long; 15–25 mi. (24–40 km) wide …   From formal English to slang

  • Chaleur Bay — geographical name inlet of Gulf of St. Lawrence SE Canada between N New Brunswick & Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Chaleur Bay — /sheuh loor , lerr / an inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence between NE New Brunswick and SE Quebec, in SE Canada: rich fishing ground. ab. 85 mi. (135 km) long; 15 25 mi. (24 40 km) wide …   Useful english dictionary

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