
/kal sid"euh see/, n.
a peninsula in NE Greece. Greek, Khalkidike.

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Modern Greek  Khalkidhikí  

      peninsula, northern Greece, and a nomós (department) terminating in (eastwest) the three fingerlike promontories of Kassándra, Sithonía, and Áyion Óros (Athos, Mount) (Mount Athos). The promontories were once islands, and their isthmuses consequently are composed of loose sediments through which the Kassándra Canal was cut (1937). In antiquity, a canal was dug through the isthmus of Áyion Óros by the Persian king Xerxes I (483481 BC). The steep sides of the northwestsoutheast-trending promontories are the result of recent geological rifting and uplift, and the area is subject to severe earthquakes. The axis of the main Chalcidice Peninsula is composed of the granitic mass of the Kholomón Massif. Sithonía also is composed of ancient rocks; but Áyion Óros terminates in the great marble peak of Mount Athos itself, which is famous for its Byzantine monasteries.

      The most accessible and fertile parts of the departments are the low plateaus of the Kassándra promontory and the west coast around the town of Néa Moudhaniá. Most of the rest is remote, wooded mountain country, with some mining villages. It is very popular with foreign tourists and several large hotels and holiday compounds were built there in the 1970s. Pop. (2001) 104,894.

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Universalium. 2010.

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