/sen"toh/, n.
a former organization (1959-79) for economic and military cooperation, established as successor to the Baghdad Pact, and comprising Great Britain, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. The U.S. had affiliate status.
[Cen(tral) T(reaty) O(rganization)]

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      town, Emilia-Romagna regione, north-central Italy, on the Reno River, 15 miles (24 km) northwest of Bologna. A chapel was built in the church of Santa Maria del Rosario for the 17th-century Baroque painter Guercino (G.F. Barbieri), who is represented in the local art gallery and was born in Cento. Several churches, notably the Santa Maria del Rosario, also contain the painter's works. The town, which is overlooked by the Rocca (a 14th-century castle), was founded on an island formed by the Reno and Po rivers. A little more than a mile beyond the Reno is Pieve di Cento, to which Cento was formerly joined. The town has hemp and metal industries. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 32,204.

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