
Port. /se'ah rddah"/, n.

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      estado (state) of northeastern Brazil. It is bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the east by the Atlantic and the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba, on the south by the state of Pernambuco, and on the west by the state of Piauí. The capital, Fortaleza, is the principal cultural, commercial, and seaboard shipping centre. Other principal towns are Juazeiro do Norte, Sobral, Crato, Iguatu, and Crateus. The seaboard, the mountains and mesas, and the backlands are the main topographic regions of the state.

      The state lies partly upon the northeastern slope of the great Brazilian Highlands and partly upon the sandy coastal plain. Its surface is a succession of great terraces, facing north and northeast, formed by the erosion of an ancient sandstone plateau; the terraces are seamed by watercourses, and their valleys are broken by hills and ranges of highlands. The sandy coastal plain is nearly bare of vegetation; behind it is an elevated region with sandy soil that is amenable to cultivation and produces fruit, cotton, and many tropical products. The soil of the backlands is thin and porous.

      The long dry season turns the backlands into a barren wasteland, or sertão, relieved by vegetation only along riverbanks and on mountains; spiny, stunted groves of caatinga, or scrub forest, the trees of which lose all their leaves in the dry season and turn gray, are typical.

      Ceará is semiarid, precipitation ranging from 63 inches (1,600 mm) on the seaboard and in the mountains to 16 inches (400 mm) in the backlands. Regardless of the amount, the rainfall is almost wholly concentrated in the three months of March, April, and May, so that there is a long dry period during which all rivers and streams eventually become dry beds. Occasionally the rains may fail altogether, and then severe droughts cause famine, economic disruption, and migrations of rural peoples. Average temperatures year-round range from 79 to 82 °F (26 to 28 °C) but may peak to 86 or 90 °F (30 or 32 °C) in the backlands during the dry season, thus aggravating the aridity.

      Like other states of northeastern Brazil, Ceará was settled as acaptaincy,” or fief, of the Portuguese crown, its economy in the 18th century centring on sugar plantations worked by black slaves. Ceará in 1884 became the first state in Brazil to free all its slaves. As early as the 18th century cattle were introduced to the sertões, and in the 19th century long-staple cotton was planted and thrived. Ceará is one of the largest producers of cotton in Brazil. With a few million head of cattle, it has one of the largest herds in northeastern Brazil. Sugarcane, though now less important, is still grown. Other commercial crops include cashew nuts, cassava, carnauba wax, oiticica oil, fruits, and vegetables. Cotton is grown and cattle are raised on the great estates, which support sharecroppers, whereas the large population of smallholders are restricted to a life of subsistence farming.

      There are some mineral resources in the state, but prospecting has not proceeded far enough to establish their economic potential. Gypsum, limestone, copper, and manganese are produced in modest quantities.

      The cities of Ceará have developed as centres for collecting, processing, and marketing the regional products, particularly cotton. Trade has been accompanied by industrial activity, involving the production of textiles, food, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Fortaleza is the site of the Federal University of Ceará (founded 1954). Area 57,462 square miles (148,826 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 8,217,085.

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