
/kav"euhn dish/, n.
1. Henry, 1731-1810, English chemist and physicist.
2. William, 4th Duke of Devonshire, 1720-64, British statesman: prime minister 1756-57.

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(as used in expressions)
Bentinck William Henry Cavendish Lord
Cavendish Henry
Newcastle upon Tyne William Cavendish 1st duke of

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unincorporated community, Prince Edward Island, Canada
      unincorporated rural community, Queens county, on the central northern coast of Prince Edward Island, Canada, 24 miles (39 km) northwest of Charlottetown. It lies near a sandy beach (called Penamkeak by the Micmac Indians and now a popular bathing place) at the western end of Prince Edward Island National Park (q.v.). Probably named about 1772 for Field Marshal Lord Frederick Cavendish, the place was used by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Montgomery, Lucy Maud) as the setting (Avonlea) for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908) and its sequels. The Green Gables farmhouse (her girlhood home) is a tourist attraction, and Montgomery is buried nearby. Summer tourism is the basic economic activity. Pop. (2006) 272.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Cavendish — may refer to: * Cavendish banana, the dominant commercial variety of banana * Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge * Cavendish Tobacco, both a type and brand of pipe tobacco * Cavendish Motor Services, a bus company part owned by… …   Wikipedia

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  • Cavendish — Cav en*dish, n. Leaf tobacco softened, sweetened, and pressed into plugs or cakes. [1913 Webster] {Cut cavendish}, the plugs cut into long shreds for smoking. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cavendish — (spr. Kehw ndisch), Gut in der englischen Grafschaft Suffolk; kam im 14. Jahrh. an Roger Gernon, dessen Nachkommen den Namen C. davon annahmen. 1) John, Sohn von John C., Oberrichters der Kingsbench, rächte den Tod seines Vaters, der 1381 in dem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Cavendish — (spr. käww ndisch), alte engl. Familie, aus der die Herzöge von Devonshire (s.d.) stammen. Seit 1628 hatte sie auch die Herzogswürde von Newcastle inne. Diese Linie erlosch jedoch bereits 1691, und ihr Besitz ging auf die Herzöge von Portland aus …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cavendish — (Cäwndisch), altadelige engl. Familie, aus der die Herzoge von Devonshire stammen. Henry C., geb. 1731, gest. 1810, sehr verdienter Chemiker, entdeckte die Zusammensetzung des Wassers, die Eigenschaften des Wasserstoffgases, die elektrischen… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Cavendish — Henry …   Scientists

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