
/keuh thee"dreuh, kath"i-/, n., pl. cathedrae /-dree, -dree'/.
1. the seat or throne of a bishop in the principal church of a diocese.
2. an official chair, as of a professor in a university.
3. an ancient Roman chair used by women, having an inclined, curved back and curved legs flaring outward: the Roman copy of the Greek klismos.
[1625-35; < L < Gk kathédra, deriv. of kathézomai to sit down; see CAT-, SIT; cf. CHAIR]

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      (Latin:chair,” orseat”), Roman chair of heavy structure derived from the klismosa lighter, more delicate chair developed by the ancient Greeks.

      The cathedra was used in the early Christian basilica as a raised bishop's throne placed near the wall of the apse, behind the altar. Later, a bishop's principal church, or seat, within his diocese was designated a cathedral. The term ex cathedra (“from the seat, or throne”) was used in Roman Catholicism to distinguish solemn pronouncements by the pope on matters of faith or morals and therefore binding on the laity.

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Universalium. 2010.

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