
/kah'tahn dzah"rddaw/, n.
a city in S Italy. 92,277.

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City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 93,540), capital of Calabria, southern Italy.

Catanzaro lies near the Gulf of Squillace. It was probably founded in the 10th century by Byzantines. It was taken in 1059 by the Normans under Robert Guiscard. It played an important part in the Napoleonic Wars and in the movement for Italian unity. Catanzaro suffered severely from earthquakes in 1905 and 1907 and from bombing in World War II. It is an agricultural centre.

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      city, capital of Calabria regione (region), southern Italy, at an elevation of 1,125 feet (343 metres) overlooking the Gulf of Squillace, southeast of Cosenza. Founded about the 10th century as Catasarion, a Byzantine town, it was taken in 1059 by the Norman leader Robert Guiscard. Invading peoples from the Saracens to the Swiss, Normans, and Angevins (house of Anjou) recognized its strategic and military importance. In 1528 it resisted a four-month siege by the French. It also played an important part in the Napoleonic Wars and the Risorgimento (movement for Italian unity). The seat of an archbishop from 1928, it became the regional capital in 1971. Catanzaro suffered severely from earthquakes in 1783, 1905, and 1907 and was bombed by the Allies in World War II. The provincial museum contains collections of antiquities and paintings, and in the Baroque Church of San Domenico is a Madonna del Rosario (17th-century Neapolitan school).

      Silk weaving won the town a worldwide reputation during the 17th and 18th centuries. A rail junction with a port (Marina di Catanzaro) on the Gulf of Squillace, Catanzaro is a trade centre for olive oil and manufactures fertilizer. Pop. (2004 est.) mun., 94,924.

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Universalium. 2010.

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