
cassational, adj.
/ka say"sheuhn, keuh-/, n.
1. annulment; cancellation; reversal.
2. Music. an 18th-century instrumental suite for outdoor performance, similar to the divertimento and the serenade.
[1375-1425; late ME cassacio(u)n < ML cassation- (s. of cassatio), equiv. to LL cassat(us) ptp. of cassare to annul (cass- var. of L quass- (see QUASH) + -atus -ATE1) + -ion- -ION]

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      in music, 18th-century genre for orchestra or small ensemble that was written in several short movements. It was akin to the 18th-century serenade and divertimento and, like these, was often intended for performance outdoors.

      The designation seems to have referred more to the intended function than to the precise nature of the work and seems as well to have been somewhat interchangeable with various other terms, including not only serenade and divertimento but also notturno, serenata (also used for short operatic works), and Finalmusik. Among suggested origins of the term are the Italian cassa, “drum” (Mozart's cassations K 63 and 99 open with march movements), and the Austrian dialectal gassatim gehen, “to go into the street.” Although the term is used occasionally by Haydn and Mozart and occurs in early listings of their music, it had fallen into disuse by the end of the 18th century.

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  • cassation — [ka sā′shən] n. [Fr < MFr casser: see CASHIER2] Fr. Law abrogation or annulment, as of a court decision, by a higher court …   English World dictionary

  • cassation — 1. cassation [ kasasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1413; de casser 1 ♦ Dr. Annulation d une décision juridictionnelle, juridique ou administrative par une cour compétente. La cassation d un acte, d un testament. Spécialt Annulation par la Cour de cassation ou le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • CASSATION — n. f. T. de Jurisprudence Acte juridique par lequel on casse des jugements, des actes et des procédures. La cassation d’une procédure. La cassation d’une sentence. La cassation d’un testament. Il se dit plus particulièrement aujourd’hui de la… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • CASSATION — s. f. T. de Jurispr. Acte juridique par lequel on casse des jugements, des actes et des procédures. La cassation d une procédure. La cassation d une sentence. La cassation d un testament.   Il se dit plus particulièrement aujourd hui de La… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

  • cassation — I. CASSATION. Voyez Tribunal de Cassation. II. CASSATION. sub. fém. Terme de Pratique. Acte juridique, par lequel on casse des Jugemens, des Actes et des Procédures. La cassation d une Procédure. La cassation d une Sentence. La cassation d un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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