
/keuh san"deuhr/, n.
c354-297 B.C., king of Macedonia 301-297 (son of Antipater).

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king of Macedonia

born c. 358 BC
died 297 BC

      son of the Macedonian regent Antipater and king of Macedonia from 305 to 297.

      Cassander was one of the diadochoi (“successors”), the Macedonian generals who fought over the empire of Alexander the Great after his death in 323. After Antipater's death in 319, Cassander refused to acknowledge the new regent, Polyperchon. With the aid of Antigonus I Monophthalmus, ruler of Phrygia, Cassander seized Macedonia and most of Greece, including Athens (319317). When Antigonus returned from the eastern provinces intending to reunite Alexander's empire under his own sovereignty, Cassander joined forces with Ptolemy I, Seleucus, and Lysimachus (rulers of Egypt, Babylon, and Thrace, respectively) to oppose him. Between 315 and 303 the two sides clashed frequently. Cassander lost Athens in 307 and his other possessions south of Thessaly in 303302, but the defeat of Antigonus at the Battle of Ipsus in Phrygia (301) secured Cassander's control of Macedonia.

      Even though he had already murdered Alexander IV and Roxana, the son and the widow of Alexander the Great, Cassander did not take the royal title until 305. His ruthlessness toward Alexander's family was partly dictated by political considerations, but his personal hatred for the dead king was evidenced by his rebuilding of Thebes, which had been leveled by Alexander as punishment for the Theban rebellion.

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