
cartable, adj.carter, n.
/kahrt/, n.
1. a heavy two-wheeled vehicle, commonly without springs, drawn by mules, oxen, or the like, used for the conveyance of heavy goods.
2. a light two-wheeled vehicle with springs, drawn by a horse or pony.
3. any small vehicle pushed or pulled by hand.
4. Obs. a chariot.
5. on the water cart, Brit. See wagon (def. 12).
6. put the cart before the horse, to do or place things in improper order; be illogical.
7. to haul or convey in or as if in a cart or truck: to cart garbage to the dump.
8. to drive a cart.
9. cart off or away, to transport or take away in an unceremonious manner: The police came and carted him off to jail.
[bef. 900; ME cart(e), OE craet (by metathesis); c. ON kartr cart]

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Two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a draft animal, used throughout recorded history for transporting freight and people.

The simplest of vehicles, its frame consists merely of crossed wooden stakes or a box with shafts as an extension of the frame. Carts are known to have been used by the Greeks and Assyrians by 1800 BC, though earlier use (с 3500 BC) can be assumed.

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      two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a draft animal, used throughout recorded history by numerous societies for the transportation of freight, agricultural produce, refuse, and people. The cart, usually drawn by a single animal, is known to have been in use by the Greeks and the Assyrians by 1800 BC (although it is generally assumed that such vehicles could have been used as early as 3500 BC as an extension of the invention of the wheel).

      Carts have been made in several ways, with emphasis usually placed upon simplicity of construction. The shafts were frequently but extensions of the framework of the body, and, depending upon the nature of the load to be hauled, the body itself might simply consist of a few crossed wooden stakes or a sturdy box.

      More recently, carts have been used as racing vehicles and for personal transport. Unlike the more primitive carts, these later vehicles were equipped with springs for the comfort of the rider.

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