
/kar"euhl/, n.
a female given name.

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European dance
      medieval European dance in a ring, chain, or linked circle, performed to the singing of the dancers. An indefinite number of persons participated, linking arms and following the step of the leader. The origins of the carole are in ancient ring dances of May and midsummer festivals and, more remotely, in the ancient Greek choros, or circular, sung dance. Mentioned as early as the 7th century, the carole spread throughout Europe by the 12th century and declined during the 14th century.

      There is good evidence that caroles were danced to ballads (ballad). Many ballad refrains suggest dance movements (e.g.,bow-down, bow-down”). A relic of medieval Danish caroling survives in the circular ballad dances of the Faeroe Islands. The medieval French word carole (Medieval Latin: chorea; Middle High German: reigen) referred only to sung chain and ring dances; danse (Medieval Latin: ballatio; Middle High German: tanz) indicated a couple dance with instrumental accompaniment.

      Chain dances of common origin with the carole and danced in serpentine chains, linked circles, or straight lines to singing or instrumental music persist in the 20th century in the Balkans (e.g., the Romanian hora, Serbo-Croatian kolo, Bulgarian horo, and Greek syrtos) and elsewhere (the farandole and carmagnole of France; the Catalonian sardana). In modern Switzerland a few coraules survive; they begin as a chain and end with couples dancing. Choros in modern Greek still means a circular dance. The branle, danced in the late European Middle Ages, derived from the carole. Some authorities believe that country dancing, with its lines or circles of couples, also derives from the carole.

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