
carefully, adv.carefulness, n.
/kair'feuhl/, adj.
1. cautious in one's actions: Be careful when you cross the street.
2. taking pains in one's work; exact; thorough: a careful typist.
3. (of things) done or performed with accuracy or caution: careful research.
4. solicitously mindful (usually fol. by of, about, or in): careful of the rights of others; careful about one's behavior; careful in speech.
5. Archaic.
a. troubled.
b. attended with anxiety.
[bef. 1000; ME; OE carful, cearful. See CARE, -FUL]
Syn. 1. watchful, guarded, chary, circumspect. CAREFUL, CAUTIOUS, DISCREET, WARY imply a watchful guarding against something. CAREFUL implies guarding against mistakes, by paying strict and close attention to details, and, often, trying to use good judgment: He was careful to distinguish between them. CAUTIOUS implies a fear of some unfavorable situation and investigation before coming to conclusions: cautious about investments.
DISCREET implies being prudent in speech and action and being trustworthy as a confidant: discreet in manner, in keeping secrets. WARY implies a vigilant lookout for a danger suspected or feared: wary of polite strangers. 2. meticulous, discerning. 2, 3. See painstaking. 3. conscientious. 4. thoughtful, concerned, solicitous, attentive, heedful, regardful.
Ant. 1-4. careless.

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Universalium. 2010.

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