
/kar"euh kal'/, n.
1. a slender, catlike mammal, Lynx caracal, with a reddish-brown coat and long tufted ears, inhabiting northern Africa and India.
2. the fur of this animal.
[1750-60; < F, appar. Buffon's adaption of Turk karakulak lynx (kara black + kulak ear)]

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Short-tailed cat (Caracal caracal) found in hills, deserts, and plains of Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia.

It is sleek and short-haired, with a reddish brown coat and long tufts of black hairs on its pointed ears. Long-legged and short-tailed, it stands 1618 in. (4045 cm) tall and is 2630 in. (6676 cm) long, excluding its tail. Generally solitary and nocturnal, it preys on birds and mammals, including peafowl, gazelles, and hares. In Asia, where it has become rare, it has been trained as a hunting animal.

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also called  Desert Lynx, or Persian Lynx 

      (Felis caracal), short-tailed cat (family Felidae) found in hills, deserts, and plains of Africa, the Middle East, and central and southwestern Asia. The caracal is a sleek, short-haired cat with a reddish brown-coat and long tufts of black hairs on the tips of its pointed ears. Long legged and short tailed, it stands 4045 centimetres (1618 inches) at the shoulder and varies from 66 to 76 cm in length excluding its 2025-cm tail. The swift caracal is generally solitary and nocturnal in habit. It preys on birds and mammals, such as gazelles, hares, and peafowl. In Asia, where it has become rare, it has been trained as a hunting animal. The female bears litters of one to four young, which resemble the adults. The caracal sometimes is given the scientific name Lynx caracal or Caracal caracal.

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Universalium. 2010.

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