
/kah'rddah bee nye"rdde/; Eng. /kar'euh bin yair"ee/, n., pl. carabinieri /-bee nye"rddee/; Eng. /-bin yair"ee/. Italian.
1. a member of the Italian national police force, organized as a military unit and charged with maintaining public security and order as well as assisting local police.
2. carbineer.

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Italian police
plural  Carabinieri , member of  L'arma dei Carabinieri (Italian:Army of Carabinieri”) , byname  L'arma Benemerita (“The Meritorious Army”) 

      one of the three national police forces of Italy. Originally an elite military organization in the Savoyard states, the corps became part of the Italian armed forces at the time of national unification (1861) and is still considered part of the army. Members of the corps wear military-style uniforms (with a Napoleonic-type hat) and are housed in barracks, and the corps has a variety of military duties: it polices the armed forces, guards military installations, enforces recruiting laws, and has specific military responsibilities in the event of war. In these capacities it is responsible to the minister of defense.

      The corps also acts as a civil police force, with responsibility for protecting public order and detecting crime. In these areas, its function overlaps that of the Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza (Public Security Guards), and like the guards, it is responsible to the ministry of the interior.

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