- Capernaum
/keuh perr"nay euhm, -nee-/, n.an ancient site in N Israel, on the Sea of Galilee: center of Jesus' ministry in Galilee.
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Located on the northwestern shore of the Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee), it was the home of Jesus for much of his ministry. His disciples Peter, Andrew, and Matthew were from Capernaum, and he was said to have performed many of his miracles there. Excavations begun in 1905 indicated that the cite of the ancient city is likely near modern Kefer Naḥum, Israel. Among the remains discovered was a synagogue dating from the 2nd–3rd century AD.* * *
▪ Israelancient city on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. It was Jesus' second home and, during the period of his life, a garrison town, an administrative centre, and a customs station. Jesus chose his disciples Peter, Andrew, and Matthew from Capernaum and performed many of his miracles there. The long dispute over Kefar Naḥum's identification with Capernaum was settled by excavations begun in 1905 by H. Kohl and C. Watzinger, and completed by the Franciscans. Among the remains discovered during the excavations was a rectangular synagogue dating from the 2nd–3rd century AD; an older synagogue dating from the time of Christ may be buried beneath its foundation.* * *
Universalium. 2010.