
canelike, adj.cany, adj.
/kayn/, n., v., caned, caning.
1. a stick or short staff used to assist one in walking; walking stick.
2. a long, hollow or pithy, jointed woody stem, as that of bamboo, rattan, sugar cane, and certain palms.
3. a plant having such a stem.
4. split rattan woven or interlaced for chair seats, wickerwork, etc.
5. any of several tall bamboolike grasses, esp. of the genus Arundinaria, as A. gigantea (cane reed, large cane, giant cane, or southern cane) and A. tecta (small cane or switch cane), of the southern U.S.
6. the stem of a raspberry or blackberry.
7. See sugar cane.
8. a rod used for flogging.
9. a slender cylinder or rod, as of sealing wax or glass.
10. to flog with a cane.
11. to furnish or make with cane: to cane chairs.
[1350-1400; ME < MF < L canna < Gk kánna < Sem; cf. Akkadian qanu, Heb qaneh reed]

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Hollow or pithy and usually slender and flexible jointed stem (as of a reed).

Also, any of various slender woody stems, especially an elongated flowering or fruiting stem (as of a rose) usually arising directly from the ground. The term is also applied to any of various tall woody grasses or reeds, including the coarse grasses of the genus Arundinaria (see bamboo), sugarcane, and sorghum.

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plant stem
      Hollow or pithy and usually slender and flexible jointed stem (as of a reed). Also, any of various slender woody stems, especially an elongated flowering or fruiting stem (as of a rose) usually arising directly from the ground. The term is also applied to any of various tall woody grasses (grass) or reeds, including the coarse grasses of the genus Arundinaria (see bamboo), sugarcane, and sorghum.

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Universalium. 2010.

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