
Camorrism, n.
/keuh mawr"euh, -mor"euh/; It. /kah mawrdd"rddah/, n.
1. a secret society of Naples, Italy, first publicly known about 1820, that developed into a powerful political organization and was later associated with blackmail, robbery, etc., until its destruction in 1911.
2. (l.c.) any similar society or group.
[1860-65; < It < Sp: dispute, quarrel (of uncert. orig.)]

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Italian secret society
      Italian secret society of criminals that grew to power in Naples during the 19th century. Its origins are uncertain, but it may have existed in Spain as early as the 15th century and been transported thence to Italy. As the Camorra grew in influence and power, its operations included criminal activities of various kinds, such as smuggling, blackmail, extortion, and road robberies. The corrupt Bourbon regime did not interfere with the society; indeed, members of the Camorra were taken into the police service, and the organization became entrenched among both Neapolitan municipal employees and the army.

      After the unification of Italy (1861), severe repressive measures were inaugurated against the society; these continued for several decades, culminating in an intensive series of manhunts, beginning in 1882. Thereafter, the Camorra steadily lost ground; its decline was climaxed by the defeat of all its candidates in the Neapolitan election of 1901.

      Although greatly weakened, the society was not yet extinct. In 1911 popular attention was drawn to the fact of its survival by a famous murder case in which some 20 alleged Camorristi were brought to trial. Among them was the man reputed to be its chief, who was extradited from the United States. The severe sentences that were passed on those convicted dealt a shattering blow to the organization. Many Camorristi fled to the United States, where, according to some sources, they carried on bloody feuds with the Mafia until about 1920, when that organization absorbed the surviving Camorra members. See also Mafia.

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