
I. Cochin China1
A region of southern Indochina including the rich delta area of the Mekong River. Originally a part of the Khmer Empire, it fell to the Annamese in the 18th century and to the French in the 19th century. The region forms the southern part of present-day Vietnam.
  II. Cochin China2 n.
A large domestic fowl of a breed developed in Asia, having thickly feathered legs. Also called Cochin2, Shanghai2.
  [After Cochin China1.]

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French  Cochinchine,  

      the southern region of Vietnam during the French colonial period, known in precolonial times as Nam Ky (“Southern Administrative Division”), the name that the Vietnamese continued to use.

      Cochinchina was bounded on the northeast by the part of central Vietnam that the French called Annam (q.v.), on the southeast by the South China Sea, on the southwest by the Gulf of Thailand, and on the northwest by Cambodia. Its chief city was Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City).

      Largely comprising a flat, deltaic plain created by the historically shifting channels of the Mekong, Cochinchina extended from the canal-checkered Ca Mau Peninsula northward through the Mekong channels and the swampy Dong Thap Muoi (“Plain of Reeds”) west of Saigon. At its northwestern and western extremities, outliers of the Plateau du Mnong and the Cambodian Dâmrei Mountains (formerly Elephant Mountains; French: Chaîne de l'Éléphant) rose to more than 2,300 ft (700 m).

      The Ca Mau is still one of the world's richest rice-producing regions, and as a whole is predominantly Vietnamese, with Khmer (Cambodian) and (until 1975) Chinese minorities, the latter principally in the Cho Lon sector of Ho Chi Minh City.

      For centuries divided between the Champa and Khmer kingdoms, Cochinchina was occupied in 1471 by the Vietnamese emperor Le Thanh Tong (reigned 146097); after two centuries of dynastic rivalries it was annexed piecemeal by the Nguyen family of Hue at the expense of the Khmers. Following the French occupation of Saigon in 1859, it was ceded in 1862 to France and in 1887 was joined to the French Indochinese Union. Cochinchina was a French overseas territory from 1946 to 1949, when it merged officially with Vietnam.

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