
/kal"euh tuyp'/, n.
1. an early negative-positive photographic process, patented by William Henry Talbot in 1841, in which a paper negative is produced and then used to make a positive contact print in sunlight.
2. a print made by this process. Also called Talbotype.
[1835-45; < Gk kalo- (comb. form of kalós beautiful) + -TYPE]

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also called  Talbotype,  

      early photographic technique invented by William Henry Fox Talbot (Talbot, William Henry Fox) of Great Britain in the 1830s. In this technique, a sheet of paper coated with silver chloride was exposed to light in a camera obscura; (camera obscura) those areas hit by light became dark in tone, yielding a negative image. The revolutionary aspect of the process lay in Talbot's discovery of a chemical ( gallic acid) that could be used todevelopthe image on the paperi.e., accelerate the silver chloride's chemical reaction to the light it had been exposed to. The developing process permitted much shorter exposure times in the camera, down from one hour to one minute.

      The developed image on the paper was fixed with sodium hyposulfite. Thenegative,” as Talbot called it, could yield any number of positive images by simple contact printing upon another piece of sensitized paper. Talbot's process was superior in this respect to the daguerreotype, which yielded a single positive image on metal that could not be duplicated. Talbot patented his process in 1841.

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  • Calotype — or talbotype is an early photographic process introduced in 1841 by Henry Fox Talbot, using paper coated with silver iodide. The term calotype comes from the Greek el. κάλο for good , and el. τύπος for impression . How calotypes work The… …   Wikipedia

  • CALOTYPE — Le calotype (du grec kalos , beau) est le nom forgé par W. H. F. Talbot pour désigner le procédé de photographie sur papier qu’il achève de mettre au point en 1840. Talbot en découvre le principe fondamental le système négatif positif toujours… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Calotype — Cal o*type, n. [Gr. kalo s beautiful + ty pos type.] (Photog.) A method of taking photographic pictures, on paper sensitized with iodide of silver; also called {Talbotype}, from the inventor, Mr. Fox. Talbot. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • calotype — noun Etymology: Greek kalos beautiful + type (as in daguerreotype) Date: 1845 a photographic process by which a large number of prints could be produced from a paper negative; also a positive print so made …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • calotype — noun A talbotype …   Wiktionary

  • CALOTYPE —    a process of photography invented by Fox Talbot in 1840, by means of the action of light on nitrate of silver …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • calotype — n. talbotype, photographic procedure in which the paper plate is sensitized with silver iodide …   English contemporary dictionary

  • calotype —    An early photographic process, it was patented in 1840 by William H.F. Talbot (English, 1800 1877), the first process to employ a negative to produce a positive image on paper. Also known as Talbotype …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • calotype — cal·o·type …   English syllables

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