
/keuh luy"euh pee/; for 1 also /kal"ee ohp'/, n.
1. Also called steam organ. a musical instrument consisting of a set of harsh-sounding steam whistles that are activated by a keyboard.
2. (cap.) Also, Kalliope. Class. Myth. the Muse of heroic poetry.
[1855-60, Amer.; < L < Gk Kalliópe, equiv. to kalli- CALLI- + op- (s. of óps) voice + -e fem. ending]

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In Greek mythology, the foremost of the nine Muses and the patron of epic poetry.

She and King Oeagrus of Thrace were the parents of Orpheus. She also bore Apollo two sons, Hymen and Ialemus. Other versions of the myth say she was the mother of Rhesus, king of Thrace, or the mother of Linus, inventor of melody and rhythm.

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Greek Muse
also spelled  Kalliope,  

      in Greek mythology, according to Hesiod's Theogony, foremost of the nine Muses; she was later called the patron of epic poetry. At the behest of Zeus, the king of the gods, she judged the dispute between the goddesses Aphrodite and Persephone over Adonis. In most accounts she and King Oeagrus of Thrace were the parents of Orpheus, the lyre-playing hero. She was also loved by the god Apollo, by whom she had two sons, Hymen and Ialemus. Other versions present her as the mother of Rhesus, king of Thrace and a victim of the Trojan War; or as the mother of Linus the musician, who was inventor of melody and rhythm. Her image appears on the François vase, made by the potter Ergotimos about 570 BC.

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  • Calliope — [kə lī′ə pē΄; ] for n., often [ kal′ē ōp΄] n. [L < Gr Kalliopē, the beautiful voiced < kallos, beauty + ops, VOICE] 1. Gr. Myth. the Muse of eloquence and epic poetry ☆ 2. [c ] a keyboard instrument like an organ, having a series of steam… …   English World dictionary

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