
/keuh lik"reuh teez'/, n.
fl. mid-5th century B.C., Greek architect who together with Ictinus designed the Parthenon.

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Greek architect
also spelled  Kallikrates  
flourished 5th century BC
 Athenian architect who designed the Temple of Athena Nike on the Athenian Acropolis and, with Ictinus, the Parthenon.

      It is known from an inscription of 449 BC (the year of the signing of peace with Persia) that the Senate commissioned Callicrates to construct a temple to Athena Nike (also known as the Wingless Victory) on the Athenian Acropolis. Callicrates designed the temple to be of pentelic marble, small in size, and Ionic in order; it was to be built on the bastion of the southwestern corner of the Acropolis. Construction finally began in 427 BC, and the temple was completed in 424 BC.

      Callicrates and Ictinus were the architects of the Parthenon, the largest Doric temple on the Greek mainland. According to the inscription on the building, the construction was begun in 447 BC. The building was completed and dedicated in 438 BC at the Panathenaea (a festival held in honour of Athena every four years on the Athenian Acropolis).

      On the basis of stylistic similarities a small Ionic temple (destroyed 1778) on the bank of the Ilissos River, in Athens, was attributed to Callicrates, and a Doric temple to Apollo, built by the Athenians on the island of Delos, may be his work. The Architects of the Parthenon, by Rhys Carpenter, suggests that Callicrates was also responsible for the Hephaesteum, the temple of Poseidon at Sunion, the temple of Ares at Acharnae, and the temple at Rhamnous.

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