- Callaghan
/kal"euh han'/ or, esp. Brit., /-heuhn, -geuhn/, n.2. Morley Edward, 1903-90, Canadian novelist.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Callaghan — or O Callaghan is an Irish surname, Origin and MeaningThis surname means descendent of Ceallachán who was the King of Munster from AD 935 until 954. The personal name Ceallach means ‘bright headed’. The principal sept of the name Callaghan were… … Wikipedia
Callaghan — ist der Name mehrerer Personen: Daniel Callaghan (1890–1942), Admiral der United States Navy Ian Callaghan (* 1942), englischer Fußballspieler James Callaghan (1912–2005), britischer Politiker Morley Callaghan (1903–1990), kanadischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Callaghan — [ kæləhən], 1) James, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff (seit 1987), britischer Politiker, * Portsmouth 27. 3. 1912; Beamter; schloss sich der Labour Party an. 1945 87 war Callaghan Mitglied des Unterhauses, ab 1957 gehörte er dem Vorstand seiner… … Universal-Lexikon
Callaghan — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Audrey Callaghan (1915 2005) est une femme politique britannique, épouse de James Callaghan. Ian Callaghan est un ancien footballeur anglais né le 10… … Wikipédia en Français
Callaghan — This ancient and honourable Irish name is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic O Ceallachain composed of the elements O meaning descendant of plus Ceallachan , a diminutive of the personal name Ceallach meaning contention or strife. This name was… … Surnames reference
Callaghan — /ˈkæləhæn/ (say kaluhhan) noun (Leonard) James (Lord Callaghan), 1912–2005, British Labour politician; prime minister 1976–79 …
Callaghan Lake Provincial Park — is a provincial park in British Columbia, Canada, located in the upper Callaghan Valley to the west of the resort town of Whistler. The dormant volcano Mount Callaghan overlooks the lake on its north side, while just to the south of the park is… … Wikipedia
Callaghan House Bed & Breakfast — (Wainwright,Канада) Категория отеля: Адрес: 824 4th Avenue, T9W 1C6 Wainwrigh … Каталог отелей
Callaghan, Edmonton — Callaghan is a new neighbourhood in south west Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is bounded on the south by 30 Avenue SW and on the east by James Mowat Trail (111 Avenue) and the Blackmud Creek Ravine. The north boundary is approximately 21 Avenue SW … Wikipedia
Callaghan, Virginia — Callaghan is an unincorporated community in Alleghany County, Virginia, United States.Reference* [http://geonames.usgs.gov/pls/gnispublic/f?p=gnispq:3:::NO::P3 FID:1492692 GNIS reference] … Wikipedia
Callaghan Valley — The Callaghan Valley is a wilderness recreation area in the Sea to Sky Country of southwestern, British Columbia, located in the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains 90 km 1 north of Vancouver. On its western perimeter is the Powder Mountain… … Wikipedia