
/keuh lig"yeuh leuh/, n. (Gaius Caesar)
A.D. 12-41, emperor of Rome 37-41.

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officially Gaius Caesar (Germanicus)

born Aug. 31, AD 12, Antium, Latium
died Jan. 24, 41, Rome

Roman emperor (3741).

Known by his childhood nickname, Caligula ("Little Boot") was declared heir to the throne by Tiberius following the suspicious deaths of Caligula's parents and brothers and probably connived in Tiberius's death. Caligula suffered a severe illness seven months into his rule and began displaying mental instability, engaging in despotic caprice and cruelty. Restoring treason trials (38), he executed former supporters and extorted money from the citizens. He plundered Gaul in 40 and began planning to invade Britain. He made pretensions to divinity and declared his sister Drusilla a goddess on her death. Weary of his tyranny, a group of conspirators assassinated him.

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Roman emperor
byname of  Gaius Caesar , in full  Gaius Caesar Germanicus 
born Aug. 31 AD 12, Antium, Latium
died Jan. 24, 41, Rome
 Roman emperor from 37 to 41, in succession to Tiberius, who effected the transfer of the last legion that had been under a senatorial proconsul (in Africa) to an imperial legate, thus completing the emperor's monopoly of army command. Accounts of his reign by ancient historians are so biased against him that the truth is almost impossible to disentangle.

      Born Gaius Caesar, he became known as Caligula (Little Boot), a childhood nickname bestowed on him by the soldiers of his father, Germanicus Caesar, nephew and adoptive son of Tiberius. The deaths of his father in AD 19, of his mother, Agrippina the Elder, in 33, and of his two elder brothers, Julius Caesar Nero in 31 and Drusus Caesar in 23, were popularly ascribed to the machinations of Tiberius. Gaius and his three sisters survived. Adopting his father's distinguished name, he became Gaius Caesar Germanicus.

      He was severely ill seven months after his accession; after this he restored treason trials, showed great cruelty, and engaged in wild despotic caprice, e.g., he bridged the Bay of Naples with boats from Baiae to Puteoli in the summer of 39. In 38 he executed Naevius Sutorius Macro, prefect of the Praetorian Guard, to whose support he owed his accession, and Tiberius Gemellus, grandson of Tiberius, whom he had supplanted in the succession. He made pretensions to divinity and showed extravagant affection for his sisters, especially for Drusilla, who on her death (38) was consecrated Diva Drusilla, the first woman in Rome to be so honoured. Some scholars believe that he intended to establish a Hellenistic-type monarchy after the brothersister marriages of the Ptolemies of Egypt. Others thought that after his illness he was mad; but much evidence of this is suspect and somee.g., that he made his horse consulis untrue. (See Researcher's Note.) He may have suffered from epilepsy.

      Caligula appeared unexpectedly on the Upper Rhine in October 39 and suppressed an incipient revolt, executing Drusilla's widower M. Aemilius Lepidus and Gnaeus Lentulus Gaetulicus, commander of the Upper Rhine armies. After his accession Caligula quickly squandered the vast sums Tiberius had accumulated in the state treasury. To procure the revenues needed to finance his extravagances, he then resorted to the extortion of prominent Roman citizens and the confiscation of their estates.

      Early in 40 Caligula marched with an army into Gaul, whose inhabitants he plundered thoroughly. He marched his troops to the northern shoreline of Gaul as a prelude to the invasion of Britain but then ordered them to collect seashells there, which he called the spoils of the conquered ocean. Caligula pursued his pretensions to divinity further; in the summer of 40 he ordered his statue to be erected in the Temple at Jerusalem, but under the suave persuasion of Herod Agrippa, Caligula countermanded this potentially disastrous order. The Roman populace had by now grown weary of this mad and unpredictable tyrant, and several conspiracies were formed against him. In January 41, four months after his return to Rome from Gaul, Caligula was murdered at the Palatine Games by Cassius Chaerea, tribune of the Praetorian guard, Cornelius Sabinus, and others. Caligula's wife Caesonia and his daughter were also put to death. He was succeeded as emperor by his uncle Claudius.

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