
/kah"lee/, n.
a city in SW Colombia. 898,253.

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City (pop., 1999 est.: 2,077,386), western Colombia.

Lying on both sides of the Cali River, it was founded in 1536. Located far from the coast, it did not develop economically until the 20th century, when the upper Cauca River was harnessed to generate electrical power and prevent flooding. It is a major service centre for area products and rivals Bogotá, Barranquilla, and Medellín as an industrial centre. Beginning in the late 20th century, Cali became notorious for its trade in illegal narcotics.

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      city, capital of Valle del Cauca departamento, western Colombia, on both sides of the Cali River at an elevation of 3,327 feet (1,014 m). The city, set in the intermontane subtropical Cauca Valley of southwestern Colombia, was founded on July 25, 1536, by Sebastián de Belalcázar. Cali did not develop economically until the 1950s because of its landlocked position; it has since, however, become Colombia's third largest city, after Bogotá and Medellín.

      Since 1954 the valley's agricultural and industrial development have been improved by the Cauca Valley Corporation (CVC), an autonomous public body modeled after the Tennessee Valley Authority in the United States. The CVC drained the upper Cauca River, Colombia's second major waterway, to generate electrical power, prevent flooding, and make marginal farmland more suitable for large-scale cultivation by irrigation and mechanization. Cali is a major collection and distribution centre for valley products and rivals Bogotá, Barranquilla, and Medellín as an industrial centre.

      Local commercially grown agricultural products include sugarcane and coffee and, more recently, cotton and soybeans. Beef, dairy, and poultry farming are also important.

      Printing paper (using locally grown sugarcane bagasse), pharmaceuticals, and chemicals are industrial products.

      Cali has been a strategic Colombian transportation centre for the last 400 years and is linked by railroad and highway with major cities of the northeast and the Pacific littoral (Buenaventura). It also possesses a major international airport and a military air base. The capital is a popular tourist locale, attracting many visitors to its annual sugarcane fair and carnival. Cali is an important cultural centre; the Archaeological Museum, Museum of Religious Art, Municipal Theatre, Conservatory of Music, and Institute of Popular Culture are located there. The Western Hemisphere's quadrennial Pan-American games were held at Cali in 1971. Pop. (2007 est.) 2,139,535.

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Universalium. 2010.

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