
cakewalker, n.
/kayk"wawk'/, n.
1. (formerly) a promenade or march, of black American origin, in which the couples with the most intricate or eccentric steps received cakes as prizes.
2. a dance with a strutting step based on this promenade.
3. music for this dance.
4. Informal. something easy, sure, or certain.
5. to walk or dance in or as if in a cakewalk.
[1860-65; CAKE + WALK]

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 couple dance that became a popular stage act for virtuoso dancers as well as a craze in fashionable ballrooms around 1900. Couples formed a square with the men on the inside and, stepping high to a lively tune, strutted around the square. The couples were eliminated one by one by several judges, who considered the elegant bearing of the men, the grace of the women, and the inventiveness of the dancers; the last remaining pair was presented with a highly decorated cake.

      The cakewalk originated earlier among American black slaves who, often in the presence of their masters, used the dance as a subtle satire on the elegance of white ballroom dances. It contributed to the evolution of subsequent American and European dances based on jazz rhythms, and its music influenced the growth of ragtime.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • cakewalk — ☆ cakewalk [kāk′wôk΄ ] n. 1. an elaborate step or walk formerly performed by blacks in the South competing for the prize of a cake 2. a strutting dance developed from this 3. something easily accomplished, won, etc. vi. to do a cakewalk… …   English World dictionary

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  • cakewalk — (n.) 1863, Amer.Eng., from CAKE (Cf. cake) (n.) + WALK (Cf. walk), probably in ref. to the cake given as a prize for the fanciest steps in a procession in a Southern black custom (explained by Richard H. Thornton, 1912, as, A walking competition… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Cakewalk — This article is about the form of music and dance. For the musical notation program, see Cakewalk (sequencer). For other meanings, see Cakewalk (disambiguation). Infobox Music genre bgcolor=goldenrod color=white name=Cakewalk stylistic… …   Wikipedia

  • Cakewalk — Der Cakewalk ist ein Gesellschaftstanz, der um 1850 entstand und zunächst Chalk Line Walk (englisch für „Kreideliniengang“) genannt wurde. Von 1895 bis 1905 wurde der Tanz dann auf der Grundlage von Ragtime Musik als Cakewalk zum bekannten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cakewalk — Cake|walk 〈[kɛıkwɔ:k] m.; od. s, s; Mus.〉 1. 〈urspr.〉 traditioneller Rundtanz nordamerikan. Sklaven um einen dabei zu gewinnenden Kuchen 2. 〈danach〉 (zu Anfang des 20. Jh. in Europa eingeführter) mit Jazzrhythmen unterlegter Gesellschafts u.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cakewalk — noun a) A contest in which cake was offered for the best dancers. Just as common as she is, a cakewalk sort of a name. b) The style of music associated with such a contest. Nah. The first step’s a cakewalk. We can beat the hell out of a… …   Wiktionary

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