
/kahl"yeuh ree/; It. /kah"lyah rddee'/, n.
1. Paolo /pah"aw law/. See Veronese, Paolo.
2. a seaport in S Sardinia. 236,931.

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ancient Caralis

City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 158,351), capital of Sardinia, Italy.

Located on the southern coast of the island of Sardinia, Cagliari was founded by the Phoenicians. Held successively by Rome, the Saracens, Pisa, Spain, and Austria, it passed with the rest of Sardinia to the house of Savoy in 1718. Long the military headquarters of the island, Cagliari was bombed heavily in World War II. The rebuilt harbour is Sardinia's principal port.

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ancient (Latin)  Caralis , or  Carales 

      city, capital of the island regione of Sardinia, Italy. It lies at the northern extremity of the Gulf of Cagliari, on the south coast of the island. Although it was probably occupied in prehistoric times, its foundation is attributed to the Phoenicians. It was known to the Greeks as Cardlis and to the Romans as Caralis. The principal Carthaginian stronghold in Sardinia, it was occupied by the Romans in the Second Punic War (218201 BC) and probably obtained full Roman civic rights from Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC. In imperial Roman times (i.e., after 27 BC) Caralis became the most important town on the island, mainly because of its fine sheltered harbour, where a detachment of the fleet of Misenum was stationed. It was probably the seat of the Roman governor in the 4th and 5th centuries AD and was also the chief point of the Sardinian road system. It was independent in the European Middle Ages but later fell to the Pisans and the Aragonese before passing, with the rest of Sardinia, to the house of Savoy in 1718.

      The medieval town, on a long, narrow hill running north and south, probably occupies the site of the Carthaginian acropolis, while the western quarter and the Marina quarter of the lower town were probably more important under the Romans, as testified to by the great Roman amphitheatre and an extensive Roman necropolis.

      The principal monuments of the medieval upper town are the Cathedral of Santa Cecilia (12571312; rebuilt 16691702), with two of the original transept doors; parts of the Pisan fortifications, including the towers of San Pancrazio (1305) and the Elefante (1307); the archaeological museum; and the University of Cagliari (founded 1606). In the Villanova quarter, east of the Marina, is the early Christian (5th6th century) domed Basilica of San Saturnino, or SS. Cosma e Damiano, rebuilt in the 12th century. Cagliari is an archiepiscopal see.

      Long the military headquarters of the island, Cagliari had important Italian naval and air bases until these were destroyed by heavy Allied bombing in World War II. The harbour has been rebuilt and is now Sardinia's principal port. The chief exports are lead, zinc, salt, and other minerals. Agriculture and salt extraction are important; cement, superphosphates, and ceramics are produced; and there are flour mills and sugar refineries. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 160,391.

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