
/keuh been"deuh/, n.
1. an exclave of Angola, on the W coast of Africa. 81,265; 2807 sq. mi. (7270 sq. km).
2. a seaport in and the capital of this exclave, on the Congo (Zaire) River. 30,000.

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also spelled  Kabinda  

      northern exclave of Angola, on the west (Atlantic) coast of Africa north of the Congo River estuary. It is bordered by the Republic of the Congo (Congo) to the north and northeast and is separated from Angola by part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo) to the south and southeast. Its coastline extends for 56 miles (90 km), and its greatest width is 70 miles (113 km). With continued offshore oil discoveries, crude oil has become Cabinda's dominant export. The production of timber, palm oil and kernels, cocoa, and coffee has declined since the rise of the local oil industry. The chief town, Cabinda, is an oil port on the right bank of the Bele (Lulondo) River. From the mid-1970s the region was disrupted by guerrilla activities of various factions of the Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave as well as other groups, which were fighting for Cabindan independence from Angola. In 2004 some of the groups formed an umbrella organization, Cabinda Forum for Dialogue (which also included civil and religious groups), and their demands for independence intensified. The organization and the Angolan government signed a peace accord in 2006, largely ending the conflict in the exclave. Area 2,807 square miles (7,270 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) 260,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Cabinda — Symbole …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cabinda — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda No debe confundirse con República de Cabinda. Mapa de Cabinda …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cabinda — may refer to: *Cabinda (province), an exclave and Province of Angola *Cabinda (city), the administrative capital of Cabinda Province *Republic of Cabinda, government which claims sovereignty over Cabinda …   Wikipedia

  • Cabinda — es una de las 18 provincias en que se encuentra dividida administrativamente Angola. Es un exclave de Angola al estar separada del resto del país por la República Democrática del Congo, que rodea la provincia por el este y el sur. Al norte se… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • cabinda — adj. 2 g. s. 2 g. 1. Diz se do ou o indígena que vive na região de Cabinda. • s. m. 2. Língua dessa região …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Cabinda — port de l Angola; 23 000 hab.; ch. l. de la prov. du m. nom, enclavée dans la rép. du Congo et la rép. dém. du Congo. Une plaine littorale alluvionnaire (cacao, huile de palme) est bordée à l intérieur par un massif forrestier. Ses eaux… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Cabinda —  Pour l’article homophone, voir Kabinda (homonymie). 5° 34′ 20″ S 12° 13′ 40″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cabinda — Cabịnda,   Exklave und Distrikt von Angola, nördlich der Kongomündung am Atlantik zwischen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und der Republik Kongo, 7 270 km2, 163 000 Einwohner; Hauptort und Verwaltungssitz ist Cabinda; Gewinnung und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Cabinda — Original name in latin Cabinda Name in other language CAB, Cabinda, Kabinda, Кабинда State code AO Continent/City Africa/Luanda longitude 5.55 latitude 12.2 altitude 1 Population 66020 Date 2012 01 17 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

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