
/biz"nis/, n.
1. an occupation, profession, or trade: His business is poultry farming.
2. the purchase and sale of goods in an attempt to make a profit.
3. a person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce, manufacturing, or a service; profit-seeking enterprise or concern.
4. volume of trade; patronage: Most of the store's business comes from local families.
5. a building or site where commercial work is carried on, as a factory, store, or office; place of work: His business is on the corner of Broadway and Elm Street.
6. that with which a person is principally and seriously concerned: Words are a writer's business.
7. something with which a person is rightfully concerned: What they are doing is none of my business.
8. affair; project: We were exasperated by the whole business.
9. an assignment or task; chore: It's your business to wash the dishes now.
10. Also called piece of business, stage business. Theat. a movement or gesture, esp. a minor one, used by an actor to give expressiveness, drama, detail, etc., to a scene or to help portray a character.
11. excrement: used as a euphemism.
12. business is business, profit has precedence over personal considerations: He is reluctant to fire his friend, but business is business.
13. do one's business, (usually of an animal or child) to defecate or urinate: housebreaking a puppy to do his business outdoors.
14. get down to business, to apply oneself to serious matters; concentrate on work: They finally got down to business and signed the contract.
15. give someone the business, Informal.
a. to make difficulties for someone; treat harshly: Instead of a straight answer they give him the business with a needless run-around.
b. to scold severely; give a tongue-lashing to: The passengers will give the bus driver the business if he keeps driving so recklessly.
16. have no business, to have no right: You have no business coming into this house.
17. mean business, to propose to take action or be serious in intent; be in earnest: By the fire in his eye we knew that he meant business.
18. mind one's own business, to refrain from meddling in the affairs of others: When he inquired about the noise coming from the neighbor's apartment, he was told to mind his own business.
19. of, noting, or pertaining to business, its organization, or its procedures.
20. containing, suitable for, or welcoming business or commerce: New York is a good business town.
[bef. 950; ME; OE bisignes. See BUSY, -NESS]
Syn. 1. calling, vocation, employment. See occupation. 2. commerce, trade, traffic. 3. company, firm.
Pronunciation. See isn't.

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(as used in expressions)
Common Business Oriented Language.

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Universalium. 2010.

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