burning bush

burning bush
1. Bible. a bush that "burned with fire and ... was not consumed," from which an angel spoke to Moses. (Ex. 3:2).
2. Also called firebush, summer cypress. a shrubby plant, Kochia scoparia, of the goosefoot family, having dense, feathery foliage that turns red in fall.
3. any of various plants of the genus Euonymus having bright red foliage in autumn.
[1775-85 as a plant name]

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      any of several plants so called for their striking fall foliage, brilliant flower display, or emission of a volatile flammable vapour (see gas plant). The popular burning bush planted for fall colour is Euonymus atropurpureus, also called wahoo. This shrub, or small tree, up to 8 m (26 feet) in height, is native to the eastern and north-central United States. It bears small purplish flowers and small scarlet fruits. The western burning bush (E. occidentalis), up to 5.5 m, is found along the western coastal United States. The winged spindle tree, or winged euonymus (E. alata), is often called burning bush; a shrub growing to a height of 2.5 m, it has several cultivated varieties, including a dwarf, compact branching form, which is much used in landscaping.

      Red summer cypress, or firebush (Kochia scoparia trichophylla), is also called burning bush (see Kochia (Bassia)), as is Combretum microphyllum, the flame creeper of Mozambique, a rambling shrub with scarlet flower spikes.

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  • burning bush — n. [after the Biblical burning bush: Ex. 3:2 ] ☆ 1. any of several American shrubs (genus Euonymus) of the staff tree family, having brilliant red fruits or leaves 2. GAS PLANT …   English World dictionary

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  • burning bush — firebush firebush n. 1. An evergreen South American shrub *{Streptosolen jamesonii}) having showy trumpet shaped orange flowers; grown as an ornamental or houseplant. Syn: marmalade bush, {Streptosolen jamesonii}. [WordNet 1.5] 2. A densely… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • burning bush — Wahoo Wa*hoo , n. Any of various American trees or shrubs; specif.: (a) A certain shrub ({Evonymus atropurpureus}) having purple capsules which in dehiscence expose the scarlet ariled seeds; called also {burning bush}. (b) Cascara buckthorn. (c)… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • burning bush — /ˌbɜnɪŋ ˈbʊʃ/ (say .berning boosh) noun 1. any of various plants which yield a volatile and flammable oil. 2. any of various species of Combretum, a deciduous climber with masses of small red flowers in spring. {from the burning bush in Exodus… …  

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  • burning-bush — diktonas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Rūtinių (Rutaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Dictamnus). atitikmenys: lot. Dictamnus angl. burning bush; dittany; fraxinella vok. Diptam rus. ясенец lenk. dyptam …   Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

  • Burning bush (disambiguation) — Burning Bush may refer to: *In the Book of Exodus, the burning bush is a miracle performed by God on Mount Horeb to inform Moses of his divine calling. *The deciduous shrub Euonymus alatus is sometimes commonly referred to as burning bush because …   Wikipedia

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