
/bool"rawr'euhr, -rohr'-/, n.
a wooden slat that produces a roaring sound when whirled around one's head on the end of a string or thong, used by some peoples of the world in religious ceremonies and by others as a toy. Also called thunderstick.

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Flat piece of wood, several inches to a foot in length, fastened at one end to a string, by which it is swung around in the air to produce a whirring or howling sound likened to those of animals or spirits.

It has been observed in Australia, the Americas, and other areas where indigenous societies survive. It may symbolize totemic ancestors, or it may be believed to cause or cure sickness, warn women and children away from men's sacred ceremonies, control the weather, or promote fertility in animals and crops.

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      pseudomusical instrument or device that produces a howling or whirring sound when whirled through the air. The bull-roarer is commonly a flat piece of wood measuring from 4 to 14 inches (10 to 35 cm) in length and fastened at one end to a thong or string. This device, which produces sound waves in unenclosed air (as compared to the sound waves produced within a flute or pipe), is classified as a free aerophone. Its pitch is determined by the speed with which it is whirled.

      Known as the rhombos, the device was used in the ancient Greek mystery religions (mystery religion). It has been observed in rituals of mystical or religious significance in Australia, Africa, North and South America, and areas of Oceania, wherewith its animal-like howls or whirring voiceit may symbolize the presence of totemic ancestors. It is also used to cause or drive away sickness, warn women and children away from men's sacred ceremonies, control the weather, and promote fertility of game animals and crops. European-based cultures have adopted the bull-roarer as a toy or novelty item.

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