
cliffhanger or cliff-hanger [klifhaŋ΄ər ]
1. an early type of serialized film in which each episode ended with a suspenseful climax, as the hero hanging from a cliff
2. any highly suspenseful story, situation, etc.

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cliff·hang·er (klĭfʹhăng'ər) n.
1. A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
2. A suspenseful situation occurring at the end of a chapter, scene, or episode.
3. A contest so closely matched that the outcome is uncertain until the end.
  cliffʹhang'ing adj.

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  • cliffhanger — n. a contest whose outcome is uncertain up to the very end. [WordNet 1.5] 2. an episode of a drama that ends in suspense. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • cliffhanger — suspenseful situation, 1937, in reference to U.S. cinema serials, agent noun from CLIFF (Cf. cliff) + HANG (Cf. hang). In some cases, especially Westerns, the hero or heroine literally was dangling from a cliff at the end of an episode …   Etymology dictionary

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  • cliffhanger — ► NOUN ▪ a story or event that is full of suspense because its ending or outcome is uncertain …   English terms dictionary

  • cliffhanger — ☆ cliffhanger or cliff hanger [klif′haŋ΄ər ] n. 1. an early type of serialized film in which each episode ended with a suspenseful climax, as the hero hanging from a cliff 2. any highly suspenseful story, situation, etc. cliffhanging adj. cliff… …   English World dictionary

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