
bronchitic /brong kit"ik/, adj.
/brong kuy"tis/, n. Pathol.
acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining of the bronchial tubes, caused by respiratory infection or exposure to bronchial irritants, as cigarette smoke.
[1812; < NL; see BRONCH-, -ITIS]

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Inflammation in the bronchi of the lungs.

Microbes and foreign matter that have entered the airways cause inflammation of the bronchi and stimulate excess secretion of mucus. Symptoms include a productive cough and a sensation of chest congestion. Long-term repetitive injury, as from smoking, may lead to chronic bronchitis, in which severe, irreversible damage leaves the lungs open to infection and fibrosis. Smoking-related chronic bronchitis often occurs in association with emphysema (together called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Treatment includes drugs to dilate the bronchi and promote coughing, antibiotics, and lifestyle adaptations (e.g., quitting smoking).

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       inflammation of all or part of the bronchial tree (the bronchi), through which air passes into the lungs (lung). The most obvious symptoms are a sensation of chest congestion and a mucus-producing cough.

      Under ordinary circumstances, the sensitive mucous membranes lining the inner surfaces of the bronchi are well protected from inhaled irritants, particles, and infectious organisms by the filtering function of the nose and throat and by the cough reflex. Under certain circumstances, however, irritants do enter the airways, causing inflammation of the mucosa and excess mucus production. Inflammation can be caused by a sudden and rapid attack by infectious, physical, or chemical agents, resulting usually in a relatively brief disease called acute bronchitis, or it can take the form of a long-standing, repetitive condition, called chronic bronchitis, that results in protracted and often permanent damage to the bronchial mucosa.

      Acute bronchitis is an episode of recurrent coughing and mucus production lasting several days to several weeks. It is most frequently caused by viruses responsible for upper respiratory infections. Therefore, it is often part of the common cold and is a common sequel to influenza, whooping cough, and measles. Acute bronchitis can also be caused by bacteria such as Streptococcus, particularly in people who have underlying chronic lung disease. In addition, it is sometimes precipitated by chemical irritants such as toxic gases or the fumes of strong acids, ammonia, or organic solvents. Treatment of acute bronchitis is largely symptomatic and of limited benefit. Steam inhalation, bronchodilators, and expectorants will usually relieve the symptoms. Bacterial acute bronchitis responds to treatment with an appropriate antibiotic.

      Chronic bronchitis refers to long-standing inflammation of the bronchial tree accompanied by deep cough and sputum production. Prolonged or recurrent injury to the lining causes irreversible damage to the bronchial walls. Thickening of the walls narrows the passages, increasing obstruction to airflow, and hypertrophied mucous glands secrete excessive amounts of viscous fluid. Such damage to the bronchial defense mechanisms in turn promotes bacterial invasion, bringing about recurrent or continuous infection.

      Tobacco smoking is the most important cause of chronic bronchitis, accounting for more than 90 percent of cases. Smoking-related chronic bronchitis often occurs in association with emphysema; the coexistence of these two conditions is known as chronic destructive pulmonary disease. Chronic bronchitis is sometimes also caused by prolonged inhalation of environmental irritants or organic substances such as acid vapours or hay dust (see farmer's lung). In some countries chronic bronchitis is caused by daily inhalation of wood smoke from improperly ventilated cooking stoves.

      For current smokers the most important treatment of chronic bronchitis is the cessation of smoking. The mucus-producing cough will subside within weeks or months and may resolve altogether. Unfortunately, narrowing of the bronchi and obstruction of airflow may continue to progress even after smoking ceases, though the rate of progression generally slows. Because the damage to the bronchial tree is largely irreversible, treatment is mainly symptomatic, consisting of expectorants and bronchodilators. Occasionally, drugs to suppress paroxysmal coughing may be necessary, but they must be used sparingly because they can be addictive and because expectoration is necessary. Of primary importance is the prevention of superimposed infections, either by careful watching for early signs or by using prophylactic antibiotics. Adjusting the patient's living and working environments to the largely irreversible condition is an essential factor in treatment.

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