
/brok"euhn/; Ger. /brddawk"euhn/, n.
a mountain in N central Germany: the highest peak in the Harz Mountains. 3745 ft. (1140 m).

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Highest point in the Harz Mountains, central Germany.

Its granite peak reaches 3,747 ft (1,142 m). When the sun is low, shadows from the peak become magnified, casting gigantic silhouettes on the upper surfaces of low-lying clouds or fog below the mountain. This effect, known as the Brocken bow or Brocken spectre, has mystical significance in the mountain's folklore. Traditional rites enacted there on Walpurgis Night became connected with the legend of Faust.

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also called  Blocksberg,  

      highest point (3,747 feet [1,142 m]) of the Harz Mountains, lying 8 miles (13 km) west-southwest of Wernigerode, Ger. (Germany), within the Harz National Park. A huge, granite-strewn dome, the peak commands magnificent views in all directions, and a mountain railway (12 miles [19 km] long) reaches the summit. When the sun is low, shadows cast from the peak become magnified, and seemingly gigantic silhouettes are cast on the upper surfaces of low-lying clouds or fog below the mountain. This effect is known as the Brocken bow, or Brocken spectre, and is given a mystical significance in the mountain's folklore. Long after the introduction of Christianity, traditional rites continued to be enacted there annually on Walpurgis Night, or Witches' Sabbath (April 30). The peak is represented in a famous scene in J.W. von Goethe's drama Faust.

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