
Brescian /bresh"euhn/, adj.
/brdde"shah/, n.
a city in central Lombardy, in N Italy. 215,260.

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ancient Brixia

City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 187,865), Lombardy region, northern Italy.

Originally a Celtic stronghold, it was occupied by the Romans с 200 BC and became the seat of a Roman colony in 27 BC. It was devastated by the Goths (AD 412) and plundered by Attila (452). It was a free city from 936 to 1426. It passed to Venice, France, and Austria before being united with Italy in 1860. Historic structures include Roman ruins and 11th-and 17th-century cathedrals. The art treasures in its numerous churches include works by painters of the 15th-and 16th-century Brescia school.

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Latin  Brixia,  

      city, Lombardia ( Lombardy) region, in the Alpine foothills of northern Italy at the lower end of the Val (valley) Trompia, east of Milan. It originated as a Celtic stronghold of the Cenomani that was occupied by the Romans c. 200 BC; the emperor Augustus founded a civil colony there in 27 BC. Plundered by Attila the Hun in 452, it later became the seat of a Lombard duchy. In the 11th century it became an independent commune, and it was active in the Lombard League from 1167. After falling to the tyrant Ezzelino da Romano in 1258, it was held successively by the Veronese Scaliger family and the Milanese Visconti before passing to Venice in 1426. One of the wealthiest cities in Lombardy in the early 16th century, it never recovered from its sack by the French under Gaston II, comte de Foix, in 1512. It was dominated by the French after 1797 and passed to Austria in 1814. It was the only Lombard town to aid Charles Albert of Sardinia in withstanding an Austrian assault in 1849. It became part of Italy in 1859.

      Roman remains include part of the street plan, remnants of a theatre, and the Tempio Capitolino (Capitoline Temple), erected by Vespasian in AD 73, which now houses the museum with a rich Roman collection (including the bronzeWinged Victoryfound in 1826). Notable secular buildings include the 14th-century castle; the Broletto (1230), the original town hall, now the prefecture and law courts; and the Loggia (14921574), the present town hall.

      An episcopal see, Brescia is noted for the art treasures housed in its numerous churches, its picture gallery (Pinacoteca Tosio-Martinengo), and its medieval museum. Heavily represented are the painters of the 15th- and 16th-century Brescia school. Notable among the churches are the 8th-century church of S. Salvatore; 11th- and 12th-century Duomo Vecchio (Old Cathedral), on the site of an earlier foundation; the church of S. Francesco (125565), with a fine Gothic cloister; the church of Sta. Maria dei Miracoli (14881523); and the Duomo Nuovo (New Cathedral, 1604). The city of Brescia also has more than 70 public fountains.

      A centre of transportation, industry, and agriculture, the city manufactures metalware (particularly firearms), machinery, vehicles, hosiery, and textiles. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 191,059.

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Universalium. 2010.

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